2008 VOLVO EW180C Price:Call Buy 2008 VOLVO EW180C Used and New Company: MEURRENS MACHINERY N.V. Lummen, Belgium, Belgium +32 13 53 94 00 Date: 20-Jun-2017 [1234627] Information: Year2008 Hours 10,950 2007 VOLVO EW180C Price:Call Buy 2007 VOLVO EW180C Used and New Company: MEURRENS MACHINERY N.V. Lummen, Belgium, Belgium +32 13 53 94 00 Date: 10-Feb-2017 [566027] Information: Year2007 Hours 0 Part catalog for EW180C Volvo EW180C Volvo.Heavy 2008 VOLVO EW180C [1234627] 2008 VOLVO EW180C MEURRENS MACHINERY N.V. Lummen, Belgium, Belgium 2007 VOLVO EW180C [566027] 2007 VOLVO EW180C MEURRENS MACHINERY N.V. Lummen, Belgium, Belgium 1