2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Price:Call Buy 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Used and New Company: Holtdirk Baumaschinen GmbH Erwitte, NRW, Germany 02943 97889 Date: 27-Feb-2017 [671602] Information: Year2015 Hours 25 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Price:Call Buy 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Used and New Company: Holtdirk Baumaschinen GmbH Erwitte, NRW, Germany 02943 97889 Date: 18-Jan-2017 [446852] Description: Ausstattung: Klimaanlage Terrameter mit Drucker Telematic, Weight: 23369 Information: Year2015 Hours 96 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 [671602] 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Holtdirk Baumaschinen GmbH Erwitte, NRW, Germany 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 [446852] 2015 BOMAG BW211DH-5 Holtdirk Baumaschinen GmbH Erwitte, NRW, Germany 1