T800 KENWORTH Heavy sale in California

1998 KENWORTH T800

Price:USD $45,000
1998 KENWORTH T800
Buy 1998 KENWORTH T800 Used and New
Ideal Tractor Inc.  
West Sacramento, California
+1 916-527-6016
Date: 29-Nov-2016
Cat C-10 eng., @320 hp., Jake brake, Fuller RTO11908LL trans., Eaton 44,000lbs rearends, Chalmers susp., 16,000lbs ft axle, 60,000lbs GVW, 11Rx24.5 rear tires, 385/65R22.5 front tires, p/s, stereo, cruise control, A/C with McLellan model 4000, s/n 400697544, 4,000 gal., water sys., Berkeley 3"x4" hyd. driven pump, variable speed, self-drafting, 2 front, Left side, 2 rear sprays, air controls
Location West Sacramento, California
Serial Number 756685
Horsepower 320

Part catalog for T800 Kenworth

1998 KENWORTH T800
1998 KENWORTH T800
1998 KENWORTH T800
Ideal Tractor Inc.
West Sacramento, California

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