1999 INTERNATIONAL 4700 Price: Buy 1999 INTERNATIONAL 4700 Used and New Company: R G ROCHESTER INC Webster, New York +1 585-299-1155 Date: 11-Nov-2016 [74271] Description: front, rear and side spray heads, truck runs and works good Information: Year1999 Location Webster, New York Serial Number 1HTSCABN2XH614206 Part catalog for 4700 International 4700 CROP PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT Case 4700 - BACKHOE Deere 4700 - SPRAYER Deere 4700 - TRACTOR, COMPACT UTILITY Deere 4700 - TRACTOR, COMPACT UTILITY, ATTACHMENT Deere 1999 INTERNATIONAL 4700 [74271] 1999 INTERNATIONAL 4700 R G ROCHESTER INC Webster, New York 1