1998 CAT D6M LGP Price:Call Buy 1998 CAT D6M LGP Used and New Company: BSR Worldwide Equipment LLC Everett, Washington +1 425-303-3403 http://www.bsrheavyequip.com Date: 15-Jun-2017 [1186762] Information: Year1998 Hours 13,156 ROPS Open 2005 CAT D6M LGP Price:USD $47,000 Buy 2005 CAT D6M LGP Used and New Company: BSR Worldwide Equipment LLC Everett, Washington +1 425-303-3403 http://www.bsrheavyequip.com Date: 13-Jun-2017 [1158142] Description: winch Information: Year2005 ROPS Open 2001 CAT D6M LGP Price:USD $47,500 Buy 2001 CAT D6M LGP Used and New Company: JABCO Addy, Washington +1 253-261-1628 Date: 24-Mar-2017 [795887] Description: Real good dozer with 6 way blade and enclosed cab Information: Year2001 Hours 10,000 ROPS Enclosed 1998 CAT D6M LGP Price:USD $41,500 Buy 1998 CAT D6M LGP Used and New Company: Rainier Machinery Graham, Washington +1 360-686-6088 Date: 15-Nov-2016 [136961] Description: 6-WAY BLADE, ENCLOSED CAB Information: Year1998 Location Graham, Washington ROPS Enclosed 1998 CAT D6M LGP [1186762] 1998 CAT D6M LGP BSR Worldwide Equipment LLC Everett, Washington 2005 CAT D6M LGP [1158142] 2005 CAT D6M LGP BSR Worldwide Equipment LLC Everett, Washington 2001 CAT D6M LGP [795887] 2001 CAT D6M LGP JABCO Addy, Washington 1998 CAT D6M LGP [136961] 1998 CAT D6M LGP Rainier Machinery Graham, Washington 1